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Labor Type Translations

Learn how to translate your labor types when using reports in different languages.

Clayton avatar
Written by Clayton
Updated over a week ago

If you are using a report page in a language other than English, you may want to translate your labor types accordingly.

The labor types that appear on your report pages are pulled directly from your Company Settings. If you need to render a proposal in, let’s say, German, you will probably also want your labor types to show in German.

To Translate Your Labor Types:

1. You first need to have report pages set up in that language in the Designer. To do this, head over to the Designer and add a page with a new language. Since you will likely be creating a new Report Group for the new language, you can create this Report Group now and add to it the desired pages.

2. Once you have set up a report page in another language, head over to Settings > Company > Labor Rates and you will see a new column appear in your Labor Rates settings titled Name - [Language]. In this column, you can add the translations for the English words used for your labor types.

(NOTE: If you have other offices set up within your account that are using unique labor rates and types, you can edit those offices independently of your company's labor rates settings, so that your company's labor rates and types are not affected.)

3. When you are ready to present your project, you can generate a report using the new Report Group you created earlier.

Once your new report is generated, scroll to the Line Items page and you will see that the breakout of your project's labor types are displayed in the language you selected when creating this page.

That's it! Now you are ready to create more reports for your clients that use German, Spanish, French-Canadian, and English (UK) as their primary language.

We hope this helps! If you need any assistance with setting up labor type translations or have any questions, please reach out to us in support chat.

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