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Create Office Locations

How to create multiple office locations within your company.

Clayton avatar
Written by Clayton
Updated over 11 months ago

Enterprise users can create multiple offices within a company, each with unique and customized functionality.

How to Create an Office Location

  1. Go to Settings > Offices

  2. Click "+Add Office"

3. A modal will open that allows you to fill in the Name, Address, logo, etc. for this Office.

4. Fill in your office location info, then click Create Office.

You are now ready to select the Settings for that Office.

Office Settings

You will be able to set unique parameters for the new Office. This includes the Basics, Defaults, Currencies, Labor Rates, Factors, and Pricing Programs.

Location Creation in the Stock Module

This office will now be an available location in the Stock Module, to which you attach storage Locations.

NOTE: If you are using Stock, you do NOT need to create an Office for your real-world warehouse locations. You can create your warehouse locations in Stock under the Office(s) that you are using to create and build your projects.

Hope this helps! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us in Support Chat!

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