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Creating and Viewing Install Tasks
Creating and Viewing Install Tasks

How to add installation tasks and steps to your items and projects.

Christa Moody avatar
Written by Christa Moody
Updated over 5 months ago

There are three ways to add tasks to your projects. You can:

  • Attaching tasks to your products allows you to passively create a to-do list for your field techs as you add line items to your project.

  • Creating tasks from line item labor allows your tasks to match with your estimated labor in builder, and marry easily with time tracking.

3. Add tasks to the project as a whole

  • If you need to add tasks that aren't associated with a certain product, navigate to Install>Tasks while in a project and click "+Add Task" to set up your tasks/steps.

After tasks have been created, you can view and edit these tasks in the Install area of the project.

Viewing the Task List in Install

To view the tasks in your project, click on the Install tab. Here, you can see the list of tasks that populated from the line item(s) you have added to Builder.

  • The Job Phase is indicated by a colored circle.

  • The Task name is listed.

  • The item name is listed below in smaller print.

  • The members of the Install Team assigned to this task.

    • The avatar of each team member assigned to the task will display; hovering over the avatars will display the full names.

    • If all team members are selected, the avatar will read "TEAM" and hovering will display all team member names.

  • The Time is pulled in from the steps included in the task.

    • If the product quantity is greater than one, only one line item task will be created, and that time will be multiplied by the quantity.

    • For example, if the task takes 30 minutes, and there is quantity of 4 in the project, then that line item will take 2 hours.

Clicking on the pencil icon next to the task name will open the "Update Task" window, where you can make any edits needed, and assign one or more users from the Install Team to this task.

All scheduled tasks in the task list will appear on the project calendar. Hovering over the calendar entry will display the name of the task.

All tasks can be filtered by Job Phase, Room, System, Tag, Status, or Assignment on the left-side menu:

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We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us in Support Chat 🙂

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