When Change Orders have been sold, you can select the option to list the sold Change Orders and the new Project Total on the Acceptance Page of the Change Order Report.
Selecting the Option in the Designer
In the Designer, select your Change Order Acceptance page (or create a new one), and click "Edit Options". Then, select "Show All Sold Change Orders With New Project Total" and be sure to click "Save Page" when you've finished.
Generating the Change Order
After adding the new option described above to your Change Order Acceptance page, head into a project that has a few change orders, and generate a Change Order report.
Once the Change Order report is generated (that uses the Change Order Acceptance page that you previously edited), the Acceptance Page will now list:
the Original Project Total (based on the "Contract Total" field in Project Details,
all Change Orders that have already been marked as SOLD in your project,
the current Change Order for which you have run the report ("THIS CO"), and
the New Project Total.
The Change Order for which you have run the report will be listed with "(THIS CO)" next to the name.
NOTE: If you generate a Change Order report for a Change Order that's already been marked SOLD, the new Summary section on the Change Order Acceptance page will not render.
If you see this, you will need to identify the exact Project Total and enter that value manually into the "Contract Total" field in the Project Details window, and click Update Project. Then generate a new Change Order report for those lines to properly populate.
Original Project Total
The Original Project Total line on the Change Order Acceptance page will be pulled from the "Contract Total" field in the Project Details window. This value will be updated automatically when the project is moved into the Contract stage.
If, at any time, you'd like to update the Original Project Total, you can manually change this value within the Project Details in the "Contract Total" field.
NOTE ABOUT SERVICE PACKAGES: If you want a Service Package to be captured as part of the "Contract Total" then you'll need to mark the Service Package as "included" before moving the project to the Contract stage.
We hope this helps! Please feel free to reach out to us in Support Chat with any questions!