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AVSO Projects

How to set up your company to quote AVSO projects in Canada.

Christa Moody avatar
Written by Christa Moody
Updated over a week ago

Jetbuilt offers a streamlined process for quoting AVSO projects. We will keep track of your unique ranks and discounts for each AVSO vendor, and offer you the flexibility to rename vendors and/or model names as needed to match your AVSO requirements. Here's how to get started!

To Enable AVSO in your Account:

1. Turn on AVSO Functionality in your Settings area.
In Settings > Offices > (Your Office) > Defaults, select the AVSO Project Functionality checkbox. Repeat this for each office that will use AVSO.

2. Send in your AVSO price sheets.
Head over to the Vendors area and upload your AVSO Rankings/Discounts sheet, along with any AVSO MSRP price sheets you have. You can upload them using the same button you use to upload your regular price sheets.

3. Designate your Project as an AVSO Project and select the Region.
Open a project and go to Project Details. Here you will see an AVSO checkbox, along with a dropdown to select the AVSO Region. The region you select here will determine which discount is applied to the AVSO items in your project, based on your ranks/discounts sheet.

4. Populate your Project
Head over to the Builder to start adding equipment. You will see a few new AVSO features:

  • Editable Manufacturer and Model Name - if the manufacturer/model in Jetbuilt doesn't perfectly match the product name required by AVSO, you can click "Edit Items" to open these fields for editing. Whatever you type in here will display on your proposal, but will not affect the item that is saved to your database.

  • AVSO RANK - This column will display the Rank for that line item in the selected AVSO Region. If there is no rank for that item in that region, it will be blank. This field is editable as well.

  • AVSO DSCT% - This column displays the discount for that line item in the selected region. If there is no discount for that item in that region, it will be blank. This field is editable as well.

  • GOVT MSRP - This will display the Govt MSRP from the AVSO price sheet. This can be edited per line item within the Edit Item modal if you click 'Edit Pricing'.
    Note: If we receive an updated MSRP for one of the items in your existing AVSO project, we will not automatically pull in the new MSRP because your sell prices are based off of this number. Instead we will display an orange (!) indicator to notify you of an update, and you can pull in the updated MSRP if you'd like.

  • Line Item Price - The line item price will be set by the Govt MSRP minus the Govt Discount. The price is then locked to ensure it is not accidentally modified.

    NOTE: If you set the project's AVSO region, add some line items, then change the region in Project Details, it won’t automatically update the discount/rank for the items in the project. You will need to delete and re-add the items to pull in the correct discount/rank for the new selected Region.

AVSO Proposals:

Once your project is populated, here's how to set up your AVSO proposal:

1. In Designer > Company Pages, click "+Add Page" and select a Line Item Page template.

2. Name the template accordingly (ex: AVSO Line Item) and click "Create"

3. Click "Edit Options" and select the following checkboxes:
- Govt. Rank
- Govt. MSRP
- Govt. Discount

Be sure to select any other fields that you would like to display on your proposal as well.

4. Add this page to a Report Group. I would recommend naming this Report Group to indicate that it is for AVSO use.

5. Head back to your project and render a proposal using your new AVSO Report Group, and you're all set!

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help!

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