The Project Details of a project includes many different fields to track project information. You can also choose to include up to 8 additional fields that are completely customizable.
Creating the Custom Fields
In Settings>Company>Defaults, you'll find the area to set the default titles for your Project Custom Fields.
The Custom Project Fields you create can be sorted into any order by clicking on the 3 horizontal lines next to each field name, and then dragging and dropping them into the desired position.
To delete a Custom Project Field, you can hover your mouse over the project field name, and then click the red trashcan icon that appears.
Project Custom Fields in the Project Details
Once your Project Custom Fields have been created in your Settings, they will appear in the Project Details for every project.
Any text format can be used to enter information here so you can easily track all data related to your project.
Using the Project Custom Fields
Besides appearing in the Project Details, the Project Custom Fields can also be selected as a Dynamic Text option on your Designer pages for proposals.
For our users versed in working with the API, these fields are also accessible through the integration.
We hope that helps! Please reach out to us in Support Chat with any questions!