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Sending Requests for Proposal
Sending Requests for Proposal

Bid Processing allows for Enterprise users to create and share projects, as well as allows integrators to respond to those bids.

John avatar
Written by John
Updated over a week ago

Jetbuilt enables companies to send and receive Requests for Proposals (RFPs). When creating an RFP, you can include project requirements such as items, documentation, site photos, and scope of work. Upon receiving the RFP, companies can add any necessary additional items, costs, and installation or service fees before submitting their proposals back to you.

To enable the Bid Processing functionality, go to Settings > Company > Defaults > "We Send Projects Out For Bid".

Once that setting is turned on, fill out your project as you normally would by adding rooms, systems, and equipment. Once your project is populated, you can add additional information before it's sent out for bid by going to Sharing/RFP > + Add Details.

In the Bid Details section, you can fill out the RFI Close Date and Bid Close Date, as well as the Award Target and Install Target dates.

To attach a project bid summary PDF, go to your project in the Builder, then go to Reports > +Add Report.

Once your report group is selected, you can designate it as the project bid summary PDF by checking the "RFP Summary" checkbox in Reports.

IMPORTANT: This project bid summary PDF will be attached to the email generated by Jetbuilt during this process.

The Files section of the Project allows you to share drawings or any additional documents. These will be shared with all bid recipients. The recipients will be able to privately share files to you.

When your project is ready to receive bids, go to Sharing/RFP > Request bid.

Within the displayed pop-up, enter the email address of the recipient. Jetbuilt conveniently stores recent recipients for quick access.

After selecting the recipient, additional options will be available. You can require bid submission in Jetbuilt, or include the PDF project summary package. When you're ready to request the bid, click "Share".

If the recipient is not a Jetbuilt user, they can sign up for a free trial. If the recipient's company uses Jetbuilt, but does not have the proper permissions to access bids, an admin on their team will be notified about the RFP.

After sharing the project, the bid recipient will receive an email with the ability to view and edit the project on their end.

The bid recipient will provide their pricing, labor, and equipment details for the project. When they submit the bid, you will see the bid by going to Sharing/RFP > Bid Comparator.

Note: You cannot view the bid recipient's project before bid submission.

The Bid Comparator screen shows you how each bid compares to the other. The top half of the Bid Comparator shows you how bids compare by budget. You'll see total labor, equipment, shipping, etc. Click on Indicate Highs and Lows on the top right to have an easier time visually comparing bids.

The bottom half of the Bid Comparator allows you to drill down into some of the deviations from your original design . You can see what items were removed or added by the bid recipient by clicking into the system you wish to see.

Once you're in the Design Insights area, you can see how the bid recipient matched your bid. You can filter by rooms or systems, as well as how closely the bid recipient matched the brands or models of equipment. You'll see a list of items added and removed and their pricing.

The Discussions area facilitates Q&A and communication with bid recipients. Here you can respond privately to specific companies, or reply to all companies.

You can revoke RFPs before bid submission. To do so, click on Sharing/RFP, hover over the bid you wish to revoke, and click on the pencil icon.

Here, you can revoke the bid request and provide additional information.

After the RFP is submitted, you can require the integrator to re-submit a bid. Fill out the relevant information after clicking on the pencil icon and click "Submit".

Some additional notes:

  • Bid recipients responding to a bid do not see your pricing or any of your other projects.

  • Companies requesting the bids do not see the bid recipient's costs.

  • Companies responding to bids do not see each other's costs and pricing.

Please let us know if you have any questions. We are here to help!

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