Permissions for users are set by going to Settings > Team > User, and selecting the specific user whose Permissions you want to define.
Engineer Permission Required
To be an Engineer, or to be included in the Engineer dropdown menu in Project Details, a user needs the "Engineer Projects" Permission.
Project Manager Permissions Required
To be a Project Manager, or to be included in the Project Manager dropdown menu in Project Details, the user needs two Permissions: "See Costs and Margins", and "Create and Edit Clients and Projects".
User must also have ability to view the Project
To be included in the Engineering or Project Manager role, the user will need to have Permissions to view the Project. In the case of Enterprise users, this means the user must have access to the Office Location for the project, and either "All Projects" permissions or ability to view that specific Project within the Office Location.
Add a Project Manager or Engineer in Project Details Window
You can add one Project Manager and Multiple Engineers, as needed.
Note: If either the Engineer or Project Manager field becomes blank, this will prevent you from being able to create a new version of your project. Please select another team member to fill in the blank assignment.
(An assignment becomes blank when a user who previously held that assignment no longer has the required permissions for that assignment).
We hope this helps! Please reach out to us in support chat if you have any questions 🙂