After items have been received into Stock (either by ordering and receiving them on a purchase order or by manually adding them), you can choose to add serial numbers for those items at any time.
In Stock>Items, search for and select the item(s) to which you'd like to assign serial numbers, and click the "N/A" listed in the serial number column.
In the "Populate Serial #s and Location" window that pops up, click "+Add Serial Numbers".
In the next window, you can choose how many items should have serial numbers added, and then generate new, unique QR codes for each item.
For example: If you are working with an item that has a quantity of 5, and you'd only like to assign serial numbers to 2 of those items, you can change the serial number quantity to 2, enter serial numbers in the fields for Unit 1 and Unit 2, and click Submit:
Now, out of the original quantity of 5 for that item, the Stock Items page will list 2 of those items with a serial number, and the remaining 3 will remain together as a bulk item without serial numbers.
Clicking on the Stock Location for the newly serialized items will display the Item Movement Log, which is updated to display when the item was converted to a trackable asset.
We hope that helps! Please reach out to us in Support Chat with any questions!